All You Need To Know About Building A Webflow Business In One Guide

5 min. read


February 5, 2025
All You Need To Know About Building A Webflow Business In One Guide
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Being skilled at Webflow is one thing. Running your own business is another. You can have great design skills, but you also need a clear business strategy and way of working. For anyone looking to learn more about Webflow and build a creative business, look no further than KHULA Design Studio’s ultimate guide. 

If you’ve ever wondered how to monetize your passion for creating powerful brands and websites using Webflow, Become The Ultimate Webflow Freelancer is the perfect resource. It’s a complete end-to-end roadmap for your business, containing tried and tested frameworks, tools, and systems, designed specifically for freelance creatives.

From practical steps you can take to maintain and grow your business, to actionable insights that help you level-up, this really is the ultimate Webflow guide for freelancers. 

How do we know it works? 

Well, it lays bare all the financial and creative advice that helped KHULA Design Studio become a six-figure Webflow business — in just ten months. 

Interested in upping your freelance Webflow game? Here’s a sneak peek at what’s inside.

Forge Your Personal Brand

Your creative freelance business begins with you. And if you’re in branding and web design — you need to put yourself out there. You’ve got to show ‘em what you’ve got. The truth is that there are over 1.1 billion creative freelancers out there. The days of working with little or no online presence are gone. 

As a freelancer or solopreneur, building a solid personal brand is vital to helping you stand out from the competition and attract potential clients. That’s why any Webflow wizard worth their salt needs to ensure their own personal brand is consistent at every touchpoint, across socials — and definitely on their own website. After all, that’s your clients’ window into your world, where they can see what they’re buying. 

Here are 4 top tips for forging your personal brand:

  1. Craft a brand identity
  2. Get a professional email address (no more gmail please!)
  3. Create an online presence (of course on Webflow)
  4. Network and build awareness on social media

To learn more about each tip, and find out what a great personal brand can do for your Webflow business, Get the guide below.

Build Trust And Credibility 

Your personal brand is the keystone to building better relationships with your target clients. Why? Here’s the shocker: your brand doesn’t belong to you  — it belongs to your clients. 

Building brand connection and creating trust and credibility is essential for your business to thrive. With 50 pages of fantastic Webflow freelance advice, you’ll learn the business benefits of trust, as well as top tips and tricks for building it. 

Get the scope right, unpack everything you need to know at the proposal and discovery stage, and you’ll have a winning start to your client relationship. We’ll give you expert guidance through the scoping call, share what a good proposal looks like, and help you to master the client discovery call. 

Getting to know your client also involves getting to know their customer. After all, your client’s brand identity and Webflow website will help them connect with their ideal audience. To unlock your understanding, you need to ask the right questions. Questions like:

  • Why would they need your product or service?
  • What is the biggest challenge they face buying your product or service?
  • Do they have any misconceptions about buying your product or service?  

Get our guide to uncover more questions and advice, designed to help you build trust and credibility right from the get-go.

How To Sell Yourself

Chances are, if you’re a creative, you’re great at helping other people to sell their product or service, but you’re slightly less comfortable selling your own. Like when you’re faced with the question: how much do you charge? 

Inside our guide, you’ll find top tips on when to charge, how to charge, and how to maintain your profit margin as a Webflow freelancer. Advice includes:

  • How to get a better idea of your client’s budget
  • How to price yourself based on the value you provide
  • How to account for outsourcing to other freelancers

Learn To Pitch Webflow

When you’re working in Webflow every day, it’s easy to take its features and benefits for granted. But here’s the thing — your clients may not know anything about Webflow. They might have heard of it. You need to show them what it can do in your hand. 

You’re not only selling your skills and services. With Webflow, you’ve also got an opportunity to educate clients on why it can transform their business. Make room in your initial calls or in the proposal phase to invite them into your Webflow world.

Why not demonstrate what it can do by showing them a past project? The simplicity and power of Webflow's Editor mode is an excellent feature that most clients are sure to appreciate. Especially, coming from complex or outdated platforms. 

Webflow brings the power of code into a visual canvas — if you can design it, you can build it. The truth is that once potential clients see the power of Webflow, it’s hard to say no. 

Inside the guide, we reveal our tried and tested tips for selling Webflow effectively, and those golden features which can help push a proposal over the line. Get the guide.

Find Your Freelance ‘Flow

Our 50-page Webflow guide is jam-packed with value and reusable resources that have been tried, tested, and refined in a real world agency environment. 

Whether you’re just starting out, looking to up your freelance game, or looking for actionable insights to take your freelancing forward, we’ve got you covered.

From brand strategists to agency owners, KHULA Design Studio’s ‘Become The Ultimate Webflow Freelancer Guide’ is ideal for anyone learning Webflow and running a creative business.

All You Need To Know About Building A Webflow Business In One Guide
All You Need To Know About Building A Webflow Business In One Guide
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